Kuala Lumpur (KL) and Singapore

We eventually had to leave the wonderful Thailand and head towards the equator to continue our journey. Our next step was KL in Malaysia. We arrived around midday so we still had a lot of the day to explore (although we couldn’t check in to the hostel so apologies for our appearances). We decided to head for Little India to grub. The public transport in KL is super easy, very similar to London Underground, so we explored an awful lot of the city. The food in Little India was awesome; you tend to get a lot for your money in Little India’s than anywhere else, it’s fab.

After that we headed toward KL tower, which is surrounded by a nature reserve and a huge park. We walked around the nature reserve via tree-house-style bridge. Before we got to KL tower we spotted an UPSIDE DOWN HOUSE! Which of course we had to go in! It was done so well, me and Kieran were so impressed. The staff told us how to pose and we just spent time posing like we were diving into baths from the ceiling and holding furniture up etc. We had way too much fun. So after that Kieran had a bit of a worry wether or not he wanted to go up the super high KL tower. He used some profanities but ultimately decided to go for it! YAY! The view was awesome and Kieran loved it :). On the night time we went to Chinatown, where they had a lot of markets and pretty lantern lit streets to walk through. We had some sizzling Chinese food, explored the markets and streets, and then we headed back to our hostel.

After spending a lot of time in parts of South East Asia that were a tad rural, heavily religious and a bit samey, we were really looking forward to a change of pace with a much more modern city. Therefore we decided to wander some shops and malls! Of course we didn’t buy anything but it was fun to spot the American and British chains than we missed from home. This was all well and good but we soon got tired of malls. So we went to another huge park! This one had a little bamboo playhouse area to climb around and small river running through it. It was very pleasant. There was also a planetarium within the park so we went to check that out but it was pretty small and a bit crap so we didn’t stay long.

A few days prior to coming to KL we pre-booked a trip to Petronas Towers and their Sky Bridge! Even though we spontaneously went up KL tower the day before, we were still looking forward to this because we got to walk across the sky bridge and the view was quite a bit higher than the other. Kieran didn’t really handle this one with quite as much poise as KL tower. He went to all the views and scary edges, but had tight hold of my hand the entire time. Took him while to wander all the way around but he still did it and I am very impressed! Well done!!

So we loved KL, it was a lovely change from the rest of South East Asia. Shame we only got 2 days there but we are happy with what we did in our time!

From KL we flew to Singapore! From the start of our trip, Kieran and I have been really excited for Singapore. After seeing pictures of Gardens By the Bay we knew we would love the vibe of Singapore. Upon our arrival, we decided to check our Singapore’s Little India; which ended up being a lot bigger (and better) than KL’s. We instantly loved it and the food is craaazzzy cheap!! Kieran wasn’t feeling too great that day though so we went back to our hostel for a rest. After rejuvenating, we went back out (for more food) to Chinatown, which was also a step up from KL’s. They had a huge Tin Tin store, which was super random, they had pretty cheap and super tasty food, and they had live music and markets! Perfect!

The next day was totally set aside for Gardens by the Bay. It was vast and beautiful, it really didn’t disappoint. Kieran knew a lot about what was there before going in but I didn’t so it was lovely to be surprised by some of the attractions. We were able to walk across Supertree Grove, which is basically lots of eco-friendly ale trees which bridges running through them. We went to the Flowerdome, which is exactly how it sounds. And (by far our favourite) the Cloud Forest! This is a huge climbable waterfall and natural habitat for cloud forests. It was just amazing. At the end of the visit there was a gallery encouraging people to be more eco-friendly, which was lovely :).

After this, we did a lot of wandering. Singapore’s underground is the best! We bought an unlimited tourist pass so we basically rode around, getting off at places that sounded interesting. The next day was spent having a little picnic in the botanic gardens and planning our next trip around New Zealand!! Singapore felt like a little mini break from Asia. It was very modern and quite western but we lively a change from the likes of Thailand and Vietnam.

So now we’re just super exited for our next adventure to NZ. We won’t have amazing internet all the time but will try or best to keep everyone updated!

Much love, Kieran and Rach xx

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